Wednesday, September 12, 2007


The very act of talking symbolizes a deep sense of the body and ego. How many times do we use the 'I' word in our daily talks with people? The repeated 'I', 'I','I', in itself breeds strong body consciousness. Sometimes, I think its best to speak little. Those moments bring such joy within us. However our mundane existence makes it impractical and leads us further from the act of silent observance of the mind and its movements; and thereby our ability to watch the 'I'.

Have you tried to become aware of the time we waste in talking about irrelevant things? Or the lengthy path we take to convey something short and simple? I have faced this problem, but am glad that I have become aware of it now. The awareness has brought about a disgust for senseless words and time-wasting talk. It's such a loss of pure energy.

Words are mostly an outward expression of the ego. The deepest silence is sometimes the best form of communication.

From the beginning till the end.

I am using this blog for putting down various thoughts on life,spirituality and an understanding of it from my perspective - as I take a path to discovery.