Saturday, September 27, 2008

Staying above it.

'Total' awareness takes care of the 'micro' awareness of any momentary situation. One sees beyond the illusion that is blinding the true vision.Awareness is all about becoming aware of one's actions in the context of the bigger picture - of one's journey to the self - the ultimate objective of human existence.

In such awareness,nothing will affect the one who has resolved to go beyond the sporadic calls of fleeting situations. One understands that it's futile to respond without introspecting on the greater impact such reactions could have on one's journey to the ultimate truth.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Work minus the stress

Stress arises when :
a) one does not do one's duty;
b) one is worried about the results;
c) one is concerned about the 'I' who one thinks is responsible for the results;
d) a,b & c.

The key to success in one's work is:
i) performing duty with perfection in execution - you are giving your best shot
ii) without attachment to the very act itself - 'I' am not the doer
iii) and without worrying about the results - i) and ii) will take care of it.

Everything else will follow.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

'Om' in a 'coffee'-cup!

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Thiruvannamalai (the temple, Shri Ramanashramam) and Pondicherry (Shri Aurobindo Ashramam).I was having a cold coffee (sans sugar,of course!) at a beachside cafe in Pondicherry when I noticed a familiar shape that had taken its form on the interior part of the cup.Picture given below. Even the 'chandrakala' has not been missed out! Have a look :)