Friday, December 7, 2007

How strongly are you anchored...internally?

Have you seen people who are completely wrecked,emotionally?

The reason for this emotional turmoil is that most people look for an external anchor to hold on to. One becomes subject to the ebbs and flows of this external anchor,thereby identifying oneself with it and in the process, forgetting one's true nature.

Only by anchoring oneself internally can a person remain unaffected by the constant change in the depth and fleeting nature of external relationships. Once comfortable with this internal anchoring,a person will be able to handle external relationships with the ease and detachment required to keep oneself totally unaffected.

Relying on external relationships without this internal anchoring is a sure-shot path to emotional wreckage.

Be peace at one's true self first and then one will be at true peace with others.Thereby,one can manage relationships effectively without getting tied to them.